New Jersey Recordkeeping Requirements

New Jersey employers are required to maintain the following records for each employee for a period of at least six years:

  1. The name of the employee;
  2. The address of the employee;
  3. The birth date of the employee if the employee is younger than 18;
  4. The total hours worked by the employee each day and each workweek;
  5. The earning of the employee (including the regular hourly rate, deductions, and the basis on which wages are paid);
  6. For an employee that receives tips, the total tips received by the employee during the payroll week;
  7. For an employee that receives tips, daily or weekly reports completed by the employee that contain: the employee’s name; the employee’s address; the employee’s social security number; the name and address of the employer; the calendar day or week covered by the report; and the total amount of tips received; and
  8. Employers who provide their employees with food or lodging as a cash substitute have additional record keeping requirements.

We can help New Jersey workers and businesses address any wage and hour problems. Questions?  Contact Alex Pisarevsky at ap@njlawfirm, or (201) 845-9600.