Good Morning! Cohn Lifland!

If you have called or visited the offices of Cohn Lifland anytime over the past 30 years, you have encountered the Firm’s not-so-secret weapon. You’ve been greeted with those words by Marie Macios, the Firm’s receptionist for nearly 30 years, since November 9, 1992.  Whether in person or over the phone – before, during and (we fervently hope) after the pandemic – Marie welcomes first-time visitors and long-time callers with her welcoming yet no-nonsense greeting. She knows exactly who you need to speak with, and makes sure you get to him or her quickly and efficiently. In a business world that is increasingly populated with automated voices and phone trees, we at Cohn Lifland put a premium on human contact. We have made a conscious choice not to use robotic answering services or automatic prompts. We are very pleased that Marie has been – and continues to be – that first point of contact.

“My 30 years at Cohn Lifland have been nothing but a pleasure,” says Marie.  “I believe in professionalism and have tried to demonstrate it throughout my career.”  "We believe that most people dislike automated answering systems," says Managing Partner Richard Schnoll. "We strive to provide clients with personal contact from the first call. At Cohn Lifland, clients are treated like people, not machines."